YOB: #21. Go to Geppe's Entertainment Museum (Part 2)

By Beth
Entertainment is a big priority in my life and Lara's. What's the point of living if you don't have fun? I was told recently by my almost 14 year old daughter that I have "too much fun." I believe I was telling the family about a 30h birthday scavenger hunt Lara and I participated in and how we creatively interpreted most of the list. When I asked her if it was a problem that I "had too much fun" she said, "No, I just can't imagine any of my friends' parents doing ANY of the stuff you do!" She added that she didn't want me to stop having too much fun, I think she's secretly glad to see that being an adult is not boring.
Geppe's Entertainment Museum sounded intriguing. A way for us to relive our childhood by seeing posters/merchandise from years gone by. They also happened to be hosting a Harry Potter discussion one evening and, well, if you know Lara or myself at all, you know how much we esteem Harry Potter. We spent seven hours at a Borders asking each other Harry Potter trivia, that we had written ourselves after re-reading books 1-6, while awaiting the midnight release of the final book. We called it a wizards' duel, and we're about due for another (hint, hint, Lara... Deathly Hallows comes out in theaters this November). The discussion plus the museum was the perfect fit.
Lara drove, we were going into Baltimore. I don't drive in unfamiliar cities if I have someone with me who knows the lay of the land better. Now, I'm not GC, I will do it if I have to and I don't let it keep me from spending time with friends. I'm not a wuss. Betty White. The museum was rather difficult to find, we walked around the building it was said to be in at least two full times before entering at an exit only door into a gift shop for some sports stuff and asking how to get into the museum which was on the top floor.
The museum itself was pretty cool, lots of movie posters and merchandise from decades gone by. We saw New Kids on the Block dolls, Wizard of Oz merchandise and ET. I took several pictures of ET for my daughter. She's afraid of him. Seriously. She's terrified. She was thrilled with the pictures.
The Harry Potter discussion consisted of us and a tween group of Girl Scouts. They were annoying, as any large-ish group of girls are. Not the most stimulating discussion either, Lara and I have had better. We had a good time poking fun at them, we toured the gift shop and were on our way. Another successful Year of the Birthday event.
[Editor's Note: Be sure to go read Lara's version of YOB #21. Go To Geppe's Entertainment Museum.]

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