Every Day Life: Winter Wonderland

By Beth
I was planning on doing an article this week about the changes happening in my life right now, there's a lot going on. But as I sit here getting ready to email my article, I am staring out my window into pure beauty and I just have to write about it.
Every winter all I do is complain. I don't like being cold, or wet, or especially cold and wet at the same time. I don't like shoveling snow (because I get cold and wet doing it, and it hurts my back). I don't like driving in snow, not because I am afraid to, it's all the other people out there acting like idiots! Of course, doing a 180 on my way to work this morning was not exactly the highlight of my day! I haven't been able to go sledding in years, the last time I did I hurt my knee. So what do I do all winter? Complain. It's too cold, it's too wet, people are crazy, when can I move south, what happened to global warming, get me another heating blanket.
As I sit here looking at this winter storm, listening to the thundersnow and seeing the way the ice and snow lay on the trees and bushes, all those complaints just disappear. This is truly beautiful. God made this and it is breathtaking. Yes I'll have to shovel my long driveway at 4:00 tomorrow morning and brave the roads to get to work (unless they are closed, everyone cross your fingers!) and I still won't like being cold and wet but for tonight I can sit in my warm house watching the beauty of God's nature unfold around me.
Beth is a gorgeous, size 6 blonde married happily these 20 years to Sean Bean, dreamy British actor. Their perfect children attend a boarding school in Scotland that they take the scarlet train out of King's Cross Station to each term. In her spare time, Beth likes to perform interpretive dance in local parks and raise awareness for S.P.E.W. Sean and Beth also own a German Shepherd named Chauncy who likes to nap. Beth M. and Lara were the brains behind our fun series on the Year of the Birthday. We are thankful they have decided to continue the fun with the Bucket List and Every Day Life.

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