God Says... "I give you my wisdom."

By Jason S (Connecting to Impact)
School for me was not that difficult. I was intuitive enough to know how to give the teachers what they wanted on assignments or at least sound coherent. I had a pretty good knack for hearing in class what would be important to remember and taking notes so tests didn’t require too much studying to get an ‘A.’
Now, if you experienced the opposite, don’t feel jealous. I received little to no common sense in most areas and did not develop any “street smarts” of any kind. I was young when I got married and thrown into a whole new realm called “the real world.” There were thousands of situations then and now where I have felt woefully inadequate, nervous, unprepared, and downright stupid.
This is my point. It’s very rare for any of us not to feel stupid at certain times or about certain things. It may lead us to tell God, “I’m stupid,” but He has a response (He always has a response)—“I give you my wisdom.”
Too much “book smarts” can leave you in analysis paralysis. Too much “street smarts” can leave you jaded and cynical. The good news is that God gives us divine wisdom to meet every challenge in our life if we let Him, and there are no negative side effects.
It’s all in how we accrue this wisdom though. We can’t get it in books alone. We can’t get it in experiences alone. WE can’t stockpile it or save it for a rainy day. It’s a day-by-day outpouring of mercy and grace. Personally, I believe it’s part of that daily bread that Jesus taught us to pray about. We have provision for today and that is more than enough because if you have too much and it’s not applied, it rots and stinks (and nobody wants that).
We don’t have because we don’t ask for wisdom (James 1:5). We usually don’t ask because we think we can handle it. Maybe, maybe not. In any case, the more we rely on ourselves and human wisdom, the more we deny the world the opportunity to see Jesus in amazing and simple ways.
Divine wisdom can and should inform everything we do. Just listen to this list of wisdom’s characteristics from James 3:17, “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” There is no reason to remain stupid (relying on our own thoughts and reasoning) when He has provided something infinitely better.
We’ve all felt stupid before, but if we listen to what He says about us, we’ll be strengthened to move forward and receive His true wisdom for our lives.
Where do you need God’s wisdom today?
Jason is a guy who loves Jesus, his wife, and his kids. He's also the pastor of Breakthrough Church in Juneau, AK. You can check out his blog at EndlessImpact.com where the goal is to connect with others in a conversation about life, service, and faith while connecting to God who is true Impact.

Reader Comments (4)
Great post. I'd say I need His wisdom in absolutely every aspect of my life. It seems the wiser I become, the more I realize I know very little in God's economy. It is all about God's mercy and grace isn't it? Nice job Jason.
I need His wisdom more and more! Even after 40+ years of following Christ I'm surprised (should i be?) how much I really don't know! Good post bro'
I need His wisdom in every area of my life...right down where my faith begins, up to where it seemingly ends..Thanks Jason!
Floyd, Jay, and Ed--you all hit the nail on the head. We need His wisdom for every area and we'll never get too much or so far along that we don't need His grace for everything. Thank you all.