Fingerprint Friday: Our Day of Seven

By Ginny (MAD21)
My oldest turned seven the end of January. If you hang around her for any length of time, you'll learn that she loves birthdays. Note: LOOOOVES birthdays. Not just her own either. In her head, she starts planning for her birthday like, a year in advance. All the things she'd love to do, and the friends she'd like to invite. She loves her people. A lot. And she likes to dream.
This year was going to be a good one. They were calling for snow (she loves snow), her birthday was on the third Wednesday of the month, which is a big deal because that is the quarter bake at school (they take a quarter to school and buy a sweet treat at lunch), AND her teacher does cool stuff when it's the kids birthdays, AND we had planned out what she wanted us to make and bring for a snack, AND she knew where she wanted to go for her birthday dinner, AND AND...
Then, it happened. She got sick. The one thing that could ruin it all. The poor thing. I felt so bad for her. We got the snow, almost a foot of it. Which closed school for a few days. No school, no quarter bake, no special birthday with her classmates. Worse, because she was sick, she couldn't go out and play in the snow. Let's just say it was a very long few days.
Then, I got an idea. I said, "You know what we should do? We should have a day of seven!" My oldest loved the idea. So I helped her make a list of seven things we would do to celebrate her seventh year. And so I give you:
Our Day of SEVEN
Read SEVEN books.
Eat SEVEN cookies. (We decided to invite friends.)
Play SEVEN games.
Color SEVEN pictures. (Perhaps one of you received one?)
Wear SEVEN ponytails.
Put together SEVEN puzzles.
Build SEVEN snowmen. (We built them on the deck in our jammies and coats.)
It was a great day, one covered in God's Fingerprints. Or in the words of my oldest:
"Mommy, this was the best day ever."
What are some things you do with your kids when the unexpected happens?
Fellow blogger Beki at The Rusted Chain has a really great weekly post she does every Friday called "Fingerprint Friday." We are to look around and see where we can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Anywhere? Go find out where Beki saw God this week, and be sure to check out the other bloggers who linked their stories as well.

Reader Comments (4)
Cute idea! I love the tiny snowmen!
Even though it's not my birthday, I could really go for the 7 cookies...
oh, this made me smile! seven times.
What a sweet way to make up for plans gone awry! I especially love the tea party!
Happy Fingerprint Friday (a little late)!