God Is... Infinite

By Dusty (Reflections on the Life of a Christian)
Our God is infinite, but what does that really mean?
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "infinite" as:
- extending indefinitely : endless <infinite space>
- immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive : inexhaustible <infinite patience>
- subject to no limitation or external determination
- extending beyond, lying beyond, or being greater than any preassigned finite value however large
Our minds cannot truly grasp the concept of a being that knows no limits. We try desperately to define everything within the boundaries of our experience and understanding... But God is so much more than that. Any description we give Him cannot begin to reveal all that He is.
Knowing our limitations, how can we understand God as infinite? Truly, we cannot. It defies our logic. But it does not make it any less true.
Instead of trying to define God, we need to accept and be blessed by His limitless nature. Scripture references several aspects of the infinite God:
Infinite Love
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. (1 Chronicles 16:34)
There is no limit to His love. According to the Gospel message, God loved us before we ever knew Him and nothing can separate us from His love. Because of His love for us, He sacrificed His own son, that we may know salvation by grace through faith in Jesus.
In 1 Corinthians 13, we see a Biblical definition of love. God's love encompasses all of these characteristics infinitely. Hi love never fails.
Thinking about God's infinite love, is cause for celebration and praise, and it is only one aspect of God.
Infinite Understanding
Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. (Psalm 147:5)
God's knowledge and understanding exceeds everything. He knows every outcome of every decision, including the choices we did not take. He knows every aspect of every particle of every atom in this universe. His knowledge extends beyond space and time. He is the authoritative compendium of all.
What does that mean to us? It means, we can trust Him at His Word. We can trust Him to guide us through life. We can trust Him with our eternity... Because He has all the right answers and an infinite love for us.
Great is Our Lord!
Infinite Giver
For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit. (John 3:34)
There is no limit to God's enabling us to serve Him. If He directs us to a task, He is going to equip us through the Holy Spirit to get the job done. He is not going to take us half way there. He is not going to abandon us in the journey... He is going to supply the Spirit endlessly. In His Spirit, we are able to do exceedingly more than we ever thought possible.
Nothing is impossible when we align our lives and place our trust in Him.
Infinite Being
Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. (1 Chronicles 16:36)
We were made by an eternal God for an eternal relationship with Him. Time is God's creation and God Himself lives outside of time. Much like a man who owns an aquarium full of fish, God stands outside of a universe that operates in time and all of the people and creatures in it live in the reality of time. (God is eternal by Jason V.)
There is no beginning or end to God. He was, He is, and He will always be. Praise be to the Lord!
The short list above does not even begin to tale the tale of an infinite God. It does, however, bring us to a point of recognizing His Glory and Majesty. He is worthy of our worship and devotion. There is none other like him and no other greater than Him. God is, and He is infinite.
Dusty Rayburn is a lay minister and fellow blogger. He lives in Locust Fork, Alabama, has been married six years and has one amazing daughter. In his words: "I am a Christian. I am not perfect, nor do I imagine I ever will be. My God is perfect. I am forgiven. I am loved. I am His." You can find him on Twitter and at Reflections on the Life of a Christian.

Reader Comments (6)
Thank you again for the opportunity to participate in this series. :)
Wow, Dusty. Good post.
There is a level of awesomeness in creation. There are things that I've seen that make me dumbfounded. To think that this is only a small fraction of the glory of our God is simply amazing. The heavens declare his glory and the firmament the work of his hands indeed.
wonderful stuff man.
Moe, Michael:
Thank you both... This was a hard post to write because I could not figure out how to get it started...once I did though, it became a worship experience for me.
What an amazing God we serve!
Totally a worship moment bro'...bless you!
Appreciate you brother. Thank you for joining me in worship.