God Is... Truth

By Jason S (Connecting to Impact)
Truth is such a sticky subject these days. We're not supposed to believe that there are absolutes, that there is no such thing as one truth, just your truth and my truth.
At points you feel like it's another verse to "Old McDonald's Farm" –here a truth, there a truth, everywhere a truth, truth.
E-I-E-I-Oh my (sorry, couldn't help myself).
If we believe the Bible and trust God, then we cannot buy into this relative truth and subjective morality phenomenon. If we say we trust in Jesus as Savior, but in another breath say "all roads lead to God" then we aren't talking about the God revealed in scripture and we teeter on a shaky foundation.
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)
Narrow-minded as that may sound, there is great comfort in knowing the truth (and sharing it). We cannot succumb to the whims of the world because while it's nice that we get to experience God's love and truth, there's a whole world that needs to experience the same.
We have a promise that if we obey Him, we'll know the truth and that truth will make us free (John 8:32). It takes more than wishy-washy, limp-spaghetti truth to accomplish any degree of positive change in our lives. Only God offers that truth because He is that truth.
I wouldn't deny that there is subjective truth. For instance, I like Häagen-Dazs ice cream and I'm not a fan of Brussels sprouts is my truth. Your truth might be I'm a crazy person who doesn't like delicious ice cream and eats those tiny green cabbages by the bucketfuls. Hopefully, you see my point.
Just because there is such thing as subjective truth doesn't mean all truth is subjective.
Acknowledging His greatness and seeking Him opens the door to His eternal truth. The same God who declared Himself God of truth in Isaiah 65:16, the same Savior who declared Himself to be Truth in John 14:6, and the same Spirit who is declared to be truth in 1 John 4:6–three in one, they long to reveal Who they are with all the love and passion that heaven can display.
And that's the truth.
Jason is a guy who loves Jesus, his wife, and his kids. He's also the pastor of Breakthrough Church in Juneau, AK. You can check out his blog at EndlessImpact.com where the goal is to connect with others in a conversation about life, service, and faith while connecting to God who is true Impact.

Reader Comments (13)
Good stuff, brother. I once walked int he mindset of "truth is in the eye of the beholder", ala Pontius Pilate. However, walking now as a son of God, it is apparent to me that Truth is absolute. Of course, your reference to liking ice cream and brussel sprouts would be subjective, and subjective truth has nothing to do with the Sovereignty of God. (I like brussel sprouts, too. But it does not bring me closer to Jesus.)
This is an excellent post to start off this new week with!
Donald, thank you so much! I appreciate the encouragement. Blessings to you!
"Just because there is such thing as subjective truth doesn't mean all truth is subjective."
Great point, Jason! I really enjoyed what you shared here.
I agree with Melissa. That's a powerful statement and one that too many people don't value.
Thank you, Melissa and Jason!
Melissa, I agree... that's my favorite line. Such a good post Jason. Thanks!
Well done Jason. Subjective truth vs. objective truth is the order of the day. One, you do what you want to do and what feels right. The other you stand with Jesus. Can't have them both ways. Good word here my friend.
Great post man! Absolute truth is a must. And that's the truth :)
Bill and Mo, I appreciate it! Thank you.
Ginny, thanks for the opportunity to be a part of something so great. I'm honored! Blessings to you...
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...
I'm with you on the Häagen-Dazs and brussels sprouts too.
I knew there was a deeper reason why we're friends, Dusty. :) Thanks!
A may not know what God is, but I know what IT isn't...
God is not tyrannical, benevolent or vengeful, and does not exhibit petty human characteristics such as jealousy, caprice or anger.
God does not need or desire to be worshipped or to receive offerings, and is most certainly not influenced by flattery or praise.
God is neither demanding, vengeful or vindictive, and does not rule the Universe from high places as if He/She were a monarchy with the human race as subjects, casting down judgements and punishments at will for perceived transgressions.
We are all "God", perpetually living in the presence of God. God never punishes Him/Herself because it is through us, as expressions of God, that God continues to evolve through our individuated experiences however "good", "evil" or indifferent they might be.
God does not punish people for failing to believe in Him/Her, for failing to attend a church or failing to accept "Jesus" as their "saviour".
God does not in any way require intermediaries or "go betweens" to be positioned in the physical world between Him/Herself and "common man" in order to interpret, represent and convey the "will" of God. No such intermediary has, has ever had or ever can or will have the ear of God, or indeed possess any other sort of special connections or relationship with God.
No such self-appointed representative of God can possibly know "God's will" or accordingly convey such "will" to the people, and neither can such intermediaries convey the wishes of the people back to God. As aspects of God, in the Mind of God, God already knows our every wish, need and desire the very moment we think it.
Everyone is a totally equal and integral aspect of God, living in the presence of God, the Supreme Universal Consciousness, The Source, The Prime Creator, The First Cause, Who in turn is the same absolute, total and complete perfection every single human being is striving to achieve during the course of the journey of evolution along the Divine path back to God from whence we all originated, of Whom we are all an integral and equal aspect and to Whom we are all destined to return.
Everyone without exception is the master of their own destiny. We all create our own realities and we are all always governed by the very same immutable Universal laws existing to maintain the perfect order of the glories, splendours and magnificence of the multi-dimensional Universe of Consciousness in which we have our being. God ultimately sustains everything in creation with the most powerful force, vibration, Energy of all within the Universe, in all spheres of life and reality; Pure Unconditional Love.
Finally, when considering the question "Who is God?", even religions symbolically recognise the great truth that we are all as one and are all inseparable aspects of God:
Christianity: "The kingdom of heaven is within you"
Islam: "Those who know themselves know their God"
Buddhism: "Look within, thou art Buddha"
Vedanta, part of Hinduism: "Atman and Brahman are one"
Note: Atman is individual consciousness, the Microcosm and Brahman is Universal consciousness, the Macrocosm
Upanishads, part of Hinduism: "By understanding the self, all this Universe is known"
Yoga, part of Hinduism: "God dwells within you as you"
Confucianism: "Heaven, earth and human are of one body"
And finally a quote from the Christian bible which highlights this truth very well: "On that day, you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you" -- John 14:20"
Above all God is neither separate from the Universe or from anyone or anything within the Universe. God is at once Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent; every human being, all life and everything within the entire Universe has its being within the infinite Mind of God, and God is within every human being, all life and everything in the entire Universe.