God Says...

By Ginny (MAD21)
Awhile back, I was discussing topic ideas with the guys who have been writing for my series on Mondays. We had started organizing one of the ideas but stopped when Jay came across a fabulous article on faith by Donald Borsch, Jr. called, "Sonship: The Reality of Faith." After reading his post and seeing the "God Says" list he included, we decided we wanted to expand on what he shared, by making his list (and a few more we added) the topic for our next series.
We are told in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 that even if we can do all kinds of amazing things, if we do them without love it means nothing. The lesson here is obvious. But when preparing for this series, I read: "if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing." I wondered... what if you love, but you lack faith? What happens when you've been beaten down by a situation so far, for so long that you really begin to question how strong your faith is?
We have all been there. That place of doubt.
"I'm not good enough."
"It's impossible."
"I can't."
"I'm afraid."
"I can't resist."
"I can't forgive."
"I want."
"I feel all alone."
Many of us put on a good face no matter what we are going through in our lives. I think for the most part we all just "go with the flow" and deal with things as they come along. But there are those times when doubt, or a lack of faith, get the best of us. It can last for a moment, a day, or much, much longer. It's for those times that we must prepare ourselves. We must work hard to build our faith before it's tested, before we face the challenges. If we can build that strong foundation, it won't matter what comes our way. Because with faith comes it's companion: hope.
Here is the crew of writers that will be contributing to this series:
Jason Stasyszen (Twitter: @br8kthru Website: Connecting to Impact)
Kely Braswell (Twitter: @kelybreez Website: Dangerous Breeze)
Dusty Rayburn (Twitter: @dlrayburn Website: Reflections on the Life of a Christian)
Jason VanBemmel (Twitter: @jasonvanb Website: Ponderings of a Pilgrim Pastor)
Nick Croft (Twitter: @Nick_thegeek Website: My Experience As...)
Peter Pollock (Twitter @PeterPollock Website: PeterPollock.com)
Several weeks ago, my good friend Duane Scott shared this song with me. It's called Again Today by Brandi Carlile. I think it shows just how dark things can feel when the clouds start rolling into our minds.
Is the path of least resistance catching up with you? Don't ever lose hope. Join us on Mondays for the next few months as we work on building our faith. Come and see what God Says.
Doubt is not going to win. Not today.

Reader Comments (3)
Excited to be a part again, Ginny! I know it'll be another time where I'm as blessed by writing it as anyone is at reading it. :) Thanks.
Miss Ginny,
Many thanks for the affirmation and encouragement. Truly, a blessing.
The best part of hearing our Father's voice is realizing we simply do not need to listen to any other. Indeed, who can speak to us as only He can?
I look forward to the series :)
The Lord's blessings to you all