God Says... "I will direct your steps."

When was the last time you had no idea what to do or which path to choose?
I asked when was the last time, because we've all been there. Each and every one of us. Many times.
It's something which affects all of us and we all deal with it differently but it can cause stress, sleeplessness, worry, strained relationships and can even make you sick.
Whether you're a child who is being pushed into doing something you know is wrong or an adult having to make decisions which will affect not only you but your whole family, it's always stressful.
Even Jesus had this problem once or twice.
We're told in Mark chapter 14 that Jesus became deeply distressed over what was going to happen to him and he prayed:
"Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me..." (Mark 14:36)
He was clearly conflicted. When it came to that moment and he knew what was going to happen, he wanted to back out, he was afraid - and who could blame him?
The bible has a lot to tell us about what to do in these times - and it all boils down to this:
We have to trust God.
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your path."
In Jeremiah 29:11, God tells us
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
You see, God has a plan for your life, a good plan, a great plan, actually and when we choose to do what he's prompting us to do, all that stress and worry disappears.
Because we know that what we're doing may not be easy, but it is RIGHT.
Other people and even the Devil might put pressure on us to do what we know we shouldn’t do but there’s a simple, three step way to make sure we make the right choice and it goes like this:
1. Pray
2. Listen
3. Act
First we pray and ask God for guidance.
Then we take the time to listen to his response.
And lastly, we simply do what he says.
Pray, listen, act.
Jesus demonstrated this in the Garden of Gethsemane.
He was conflicted. His head and heart knew what he should do, but his body was afraid so he purposefully went to the garden to pray.
And then he listened.
How do we know he listened? Well, his next words were the very most important ones and they went like this:
“…Yet not what I will, but what you will.” (Mark 14:36)
He was saying to God, I will follow your will, not my own – and in doing so, he was saying, “I’ll listen to you and do what you say.”
He prayed like that for over an hour, so we know he had plenty of listening time in there and then, when he had prayed and listened, he got up and did what he knew was right.
So how about you? The next time you come up against a hard choice or you’re not sure what you should do how will you solve your problem?
God promises us that he will show us the right way, we simply have to
Pray, Listen and Act!
Peter is a fellow blogger who is a husband, stay-at-home dad, aspiring author, website host and web designer who tries to make God the center of everything he does. He's walking out his salvation and learning and struggling just like the rest of us!

Reader Comments (5)
Good advice, Peter. I wanted to add a 'Y' (yell, maybe?) to your P, L, A so that it spelled something, but I wholeheartedly agree. :)
Plus I was reminded as I read this that questioning is not a sin (like we sometimes treat it). Jesus was without sin and He questioned. The proof is always where we land--trusting in God or not. Thanks so much for this, Peter.
Great post. This is very true, "Because we know that what we're doing may not be easy, but it is RIGHT." There is peace and a certainty that comes with knowing we have chosen correctly and we are in His will. Thanks
Great stuff. It's always hard to know what's the next step, but pray, listen, act seems to be a basic strategy. Thanks for sharing!
Jason was right. This is a great post.
Isn't it interesting when we do the right thing, not the easy thing, but the thing God calls us to in courage, it always works out for the best in the long run. And the things we do that are the easiest, or the things that we know are not of God, always comes to a bad end and a tough lesson?
Pray, listen, act... I gotta write that down.
Thank you for your comments, everyone. I really appreciate them.
And Jason... I wanted to make it into an acronym but it was late at night and my head just couldn't come up with any more words! :-)