
Something to Think About
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Shop Smarter At The Grocery Store

My friends and family have recently been complaining about the local grocery stores. I'm kind of glad to hear how they feel, because I have been very frustrated as well.

It seems that several of the stores have forgotten who pays their bills. Therefore, have forgotten who they need to keep happy. Since last summer,

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Big Sins and Little Sins

Are there such things as big sins and little sins? And who's job is it to determine which sins are worse than others? Those are loaded questions. Especially in a society like ours when the general population wants to be free to do whatever they want. Not only do they think they should be allowed to, they expect to be able to convince others that what they are doing is ok.

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American Dietetic Association

By MAD21

American Dietetic Association is"...committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy." You can find a whole bunch of great information on health and nutrition on their website. They post articles on current issues as well. Two good articles recently posted discusses "Reducing Health Risks for Women and Children" and "Is There a Pandemic In Your Future." It's a great website to go to if you have questions about rumors you hear regarding your health.


And It Begins...

By Lara

There is nothing that I love more than a good story. I like hearing them, I like reading them, and I especially like telling them. I have, on more than one occasion, participated in a distasteful outing or event simply because I could weave it into an amusing story.

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One Last Breath

A Story By LD, Age 13

As the last life-boat is being lowered, I know I'm not going to make it to the boat in time with my 2-month-old son. I have been parted from my husband of 10 months, in the crowd of frantic people scared to die. But I'm trusting God with my life as well as my family. I want to think the brightest that the love of my life will live and we can be together until our real time comes to leave this world, and I am not afraid to do so.

As I run to the tilting rail where the life-boat is just feet from hitting the water, I know I do not have much time. I begin to cry as I tuck $200, my gold wedding rings, and my will into his blanket that I pray is keeping him warm. I ask the women in the last boat to catch my baby as I painfully give him up to save his life. I remember a photograph of me and his father that I always kept in my pocket, and I quickly write on the back: I will love you forever, remember me by my love and your father by looking in your eyes, Mum. I tuck that in his blanket along with the other items, kiss him for what seems like the last time and finally give him up for his sake.

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