
Something to Think About
about 12 years ago
"Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and/or misses you... because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while ...
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Devotions (137)


God is Good

By Pat

A couple weeks ago I was asked to pray for a friend's mother-in-law who had just had a stroke and was in the hospital. After a few days, she reported that her mother-in-law was doing very well and would soon be released from the hospital. She then said "God is good!"

But what if her mother-in-law had sustained permanent damage from the stroke? What if she had died? Would my friend have said God is good if that had been the case?

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The Greatest Gift

By Pat

In this day and age, it's very hard to get something for nothing. There is always a price to pay for the things we want. For instance, in order to be recognized in our jobs, we are required to work hard in hopes that the boss will acknowledge our attempts and reward us with pay raises and promotions. As children, we earn an allowance by doing chores, and oftentimes parents reward their childrens' good grades by allowing a special privilege, or buying a particular item the child has been wanting.

Isn't it wonderful to realize that there is one thing in life that is totally and completely free to us, a gift so wonderful that no other gifts can compare? Something that is so precious it cannot be given a monetary value, cannot be earned through diligent hard work. It's the gift of salvation, and it's free! What could possibly be better than that?

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Bartimaeus Faith

By Pat

Do you ever allow yourself to feel unworthy of a touch from Jesus? Do you ever let the success, wealth, beauty and power of other people push you to the outskirts of the crowd, or permit society too remind you that you will never attain the status that will catapult you to lofty positions in life?

I think we have all done this in our lives, but those feelings are certainly not from God! That's the devil at work! In Mark 10:46-52, we encounter Bartimaeus, a blind beggar. As Jesus and His disciples and a large crowd were passing him by, he called out to Jesus to have mercy on him, and although he was scolded and told by the crowd to be quiet, he again called out "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"

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Exercise For The Spirit

By Pat

To keep a body in shape, strong, fit and healthy, a person must have a exercise regime of some sort. The body needs to be taken care of to stay strong. The gyms are filled with people using equipment of all sorts to make sure their muscles stay tones and firm. Inactivity is the body's enemy.

The same is true of our walk with the Lord. In order to stay strong in our faith, we need to exercise our spiritual selves with daily prayer and frequent use of the best piece of equipment of all, the Bible. In it we find everything we need to keep our spiritual bodies strong and fit, and our heart and mind focused on God.

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Don't Season Your Hopes Yet!

By Pat

It was over. Jesus was crucified. Dead. It was witnessed by many, so it couldn't be denied. Their lord, their hope, was gone. What a sad day it was for those who loved Jesus. His body was removed from the cross on which it hung, and it was given to Joseph of Arimathea so that it could be put in it's final resting place. The tomb. And in accordance with Jewish custom, Joseph and Nicodemus proceeded to wrap, along with myrrh and aloe, with burial linens. This was a form of preparing the body for burial, a "seasoning" ritual. They then placed the body of their beloved Lord in the tomb, where he would stay forever. Or so they thought...

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