
Something to Think About
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Devotions (137)


Life's Highway

By Pat

When you travel life's highway, what kind of driver are you?

Do you curse when someone cuts in front of you? Remember-we all need leaders, so don't be afraid to take a step back and allow someone else to go ahead of you.

Does it frustrate you to get behind a slow-moving vehicle? Perhaps you should welcome the opportunity to slow down a bit and not fly through life at such a breakneck speed, forgetting to enjoy the scenery God has placed in your path.

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Pride Goes Before The Fall

By Pat

Pride can be a very good thing. For instance, when we take pride in our appearance, we make sure we're clean and neat and look our best. Pride of ownership ensures that we are taking proper care of our homes, cars, even our lawns and our pets. We take pride in them, so we take good care of them.

However, there is another component to pride that's not such a positive trait. Pride can also prevent us from making a necessary apology, admit we're wrong, or give someone else credit for something we did.

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A God Who Allows Us To Struggle

By Pat

I have to admit something that I am really ashamed of: God scares me! I know He loves me, because if His redemptive love shown in the resurrection of His son, Jesus, for us. The Bible tells me from Genesis to Revelation that God is loving, forgiving and merciful. But in reading the Old Testament, we find many accounts of God's vengeance and punishment upon His people for the disobedience and disrespect shown to Him. Plagues, diseases and famines sent to cause suffering, destruction and death, in hopes that the guilty offenders will repent and turn back to Him. Even the killing of infants and children. I don't understand.

Is this a loving God? I get angry sometimes. And no matter how hard I try, my feelings do not waver. Although I pray about it, the anger remains. The doubts. The FEAR. But luckily, we serve a God who understands our confusion and our fears. He knows our struggles, and when we feel angry, He allows us and even invites us to struggle with him. To become angry. To wrestle. He hears us when we say "Why, God?" And He does have an answer for us.

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I Asked The Lord...

By Pat

I asked the Lord to speak to me
So I could hear his voice,
And so He sent a mockingbird
To make my heart rejoice.

I asked the Lord to show Himself
So I could see His face,
And so He sent a rainbow
To color outer space.

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Friends Are Precious Gifts

By Pat

One of the things I am most thankful for every day of my life is my friends. They are such a vital part of my life. Most of my friends are scattered about, and their lives, like mine, are busy. Sometimes it's hard to stay as connected as we might like. And some of my friends are really just acquaintances that I don't really know well at all, and who don't really know me.

But whether good friend or acquaintance, the Holy Spirit and the power of prayer connect us in a way that is very comforting and special. God's power and love turns prayer warriors into friends! It's such a comfort to me to know that I need only ask my friends to pray for me and they I do for them.

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