
Something to Think About
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Devotions (137)


God's Orchestra

By Pat

Do you find it easy to compare yourself with others regularly, allowing others to set the bar for what you think you should be? I sure have, but I have learned that it's a recipe for failure.

God made each of us unique, with our own distinct personalities, strengths, likes, dislikes, and yes...flaws. That's the way it's supposed to be. That's what God intended. We are each a musical instrument in God's orchestra, and God is our maestro. If we are all the same instrument, that would certainly make for a mighty boring band, wouldn't it?

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Hang In There

By Pat

Do you ever sit and wonder
As you're going through the day
"Are you listening to me, Jesus?
Do you hear a word I say?"

When Heaven seems unreachable,
A vast and distant place,

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Have You Seen God?

By Pat

Have you seen God lately? I have. I saw Him in Haiti, in the faces of the thousands who have volunteered their time and efforts to bring help, healing and hope to the countless many in dire need. I saw, amid the destruction, death and desperation, the hope that was God in the many He sent.

Have you seen God lately? I have. I saw Him in the form of a neighbor shoveling a neighbor's sidewalk during a recent heavy snow. And I saw Him pushing a stranger's car when it got stuck in an icy ditch.

Have you seen God lately? I have. I saw Him in a group of people pulling together to collect money for a neighbor in need.

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Being Human

By Kelly (Living is Simple)

Take joy in the un-rushed living.
In the unfolding.
It takes time to...


 Words from about a year ago.

How much life takes you and spins you around into places, relationships, and events you never could have imagined. I wish I could peg the best of those moments.

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Prayer Warriors

By Pat

Yesterday I received a call from a dear friend. He said that his very sick uncle had taken a turn for the worse, and asked me to pray for him. What an honor that is! He trusted me to do the one thing that's most important of all for his loved one; to lift him to the Lord in prayer.

Last year, another close friend called me and said that she was wrestling with a particular issue, and asked me to pray for several days about it as she fasted and prayed. She did not tell me what the issue was, and I did not ask. There was no need. She trusted me to take her problem to God and I did.

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