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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Family Life (66)


How Did I Get Here?

By Megan (Steps For Brady)

You know those cool GPS things that you can put in your car? Enter any destination and this voice will tell you exactly how to get there from where you are at the time. Wrong turn? No problem, a kind voice coming from the little box will get you back on track with a few turns this way and that. What a great feeling to have the security of always knowing where you are going!

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A Family's Fight Against Chemo. Who Decides?

A family in Minnesota is fighting for the right to allow their son to choose to NOT receive chemo as a treatment for his cancer. So far they are losing. The courts have ordered them to get new x-rays to determine if the cancer has grown/spread, and will issue a court order for him to begin treatment if it has. They will go so far as to put this child into the foster care system in order to do so. The boy has said that if they force him to get the treatment, that he will kick and fight. Doctors from several children's hospitals have testified during this case. They all talk of therapies that help the kids get through treatments. But all are unsure if they could or would 'force' a kid to receive the treatment.

There are a lot of issues surrounding this story, not all is as it seems.

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Steps for Brady

Momlogic posted a fantasic article written by a woman named Megan during a recent contest. In the article, Megan talks about how life sometimes takes unexpected turns. From having triplets, to her son being diagnosed with cancer (at 20 months), she writes an unbelievable short story about what she's been through. Megan is actually one of those mom bloggers out there with a website called, "Steps for Brady." She set up the site to share the journey her family is on during the treatment and hopefully the recovery of her son, Brady.

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Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

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What's Your Middle Name?

By Renee

My middle name is Lynne. It's ok, I guess, nothing fancy or special about it. As far as I know, there is no significance in its' choosing. What I do know is that when I heard my mother say, "Renee Lynne," I was in trouble!

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