
Something to Think About
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Family Life (66)


Thinking Positive

By MAD21

How do you create a positive attitude in your family's day-to-day life?

I recently read an article in Body and Soul Magazine that had some really great ideas that were sent in by readers to try with your family that help build strong relationships and help us to have a better overall attitude in our daily lives. Here were a few of them:

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Showing Mercy For One Another

A good friend of mine sent this story to me awhile back. Whether it is true or not isn’t important, it still makes you think about what you would do if you were on either side of this situation. The story strikes a nerve for me, because I was one of those kids who was mercilessly picked on as a kid. I never wet my pants (thank God!), but there are many things that can happen that can cause the same ridicule from other kids. I once spent two hours hiding in the coat closet in 4th grade because of something embarrassing that happened on the playground. This was after the kids had teased me to tears before we even went back inside.

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Helping A Friend In A Crisis

By Megan (Steps for Brady)

In the past five months I have been on the receiving end of hundreds of the most generous and thoughtful acts by countless people. Dealing with the life threatening illness of our son has been a terrifying experience, but has also shown us amazing kindness in the hearts of those around us. It has been difficult at times to have to accept help, but without it, I don’t know how our family would have survived.

Here are a few ideas of ways to help. Take it from someone who knows, any of these would be a huge blessing to a friend going through a tough time.

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Moments That Touch Your Soul

Everyone has a daily routine they follow, for the most part, from the moment they get up in the morning, until they go to bed at night. One of my most favorite times of day is in the evening when we put our girls to bed. After trips to the bathroom, brushing teeth, and reading stories snuggled in bed, we turn the lights off. At that point, we talk about the events of the day and the things we are thankful for (which is especially important on the bad days!)

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The Power Of Prayer

By Roger

I hope people aren't getting tired of hearing about my cancer and treatment. But this is a very important part of my life. There was a time back in September of 2008 that I was almost put in hospice where I was told they would keep me comfortable until my death. Now I'm not afraid of death, but I wasn't ready. I opted to stay home and it turned out to be the best option.

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