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Entries in Works For Me Wednesday (31)


Work For Me Wednesday: Teaching Responsibility

By MAD21

When my oldest first started going to preschool, it was a little hard on both of us. Even though it was only a few hours a few days a week, it was quite an adjustment. I started leaving little 'love notes' in her pockets. I told her it was a little piece of mommy that she could keep with her when we were not together. On the paper it simply said, "Mommy *heart* <her name>." I know it probably sounds hokey. But it helped both of us at the time, and became a loved tradition. (I now find them in my own pockets from her! How awesome is that?!)

A little while after we started doing this, I was out shopping one day and I found a cheap little locket. It was so cute, and at around $3-$4 you couldn't beat the price. I thought it would be a great idea to put the note inside that instead of her pocket, which would also help us resolve the problem of what to do with the notes on the days she wore clothing with no pockets. To say she loved the locket is an understatement. She wore it to school (and anytime we were apart) for a year and a half.

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Works For Me Wednesday: Pennies For 'Lions

By MAD21

One of the things about being a parent that I enjoy a lot is creating traditions. I didn't have many growing up, but there were a few things that we did that meant a lot to me. Personally, I think it's important to have family traditions. They bring us closer together and create life-long memories.

I don't know how kids are in other families, but ours are always asking for a job when we are working in the yard or flowerbeds. Since they are so little, there isn't a whole lot that they can do independently other than pick up sticks and rocks... and dandelions.

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Works For Me Wednesday: Free Mulch

By MAD21

I'm always on the look-out for a good deal. And finding ways to take care of my yard that are economical (and ecofriendly) is no different.

The family we bought our house from had done over $4000 worth of landscaping just before they found out they had to move due to a job transfer. It's a lot more that I would have ever done myself (too much money, I hate to weed!), and it's a lot to take care of, but it is beautiful, and I kind of feel obligated to take care of something they had put so much time and effort into.

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Works For Me Wednesday: Toilet Cleaner?

By MAD21

My friend Helen and I participate in a fun carnival on Monday's called Life Is Funny, hosted by our friend Wendy. This week, Helen posted an interesting idea for cleaning your toilet. It was a funny and useful idea if you ever run out of toilet cleaner when you need it.

Every Wednesday, fellow blogger Kristen at We are THAT Family posts clever ideas for getting things done. She calls it, "Works For Me Wednesday" or WFMW. Be sure to go visit her blog to read her post along with links to other blogs who are participating.


Works For Me Wednesday: Using Games To Teach

By MAD21

I have worked with children for years and have found that one of the best ways to teach children is through games. If they are having fun it not only holds their interest, but it makes them want to learn more.

One of my favorite ways to teach them how to listen to you and be tuned into your voice, is by playing a version of: Red Light Green Light. The game can be played the traditional way, but in real life, where we are rushing around and there is no time and not enough friends to play with, you can play the game while just walking or running.

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