For this week's themed edition of WFMW, I get to turn the table on you, my reader. I get to ask, "What works for YOU?" Yay for me!
My girls are still at the young stage when their toys all take up a lot of space. Doll houses, little people houses (barnes, stables, amusement parks, train, circus, playgrounds... you get the idea), kitchen sets, dress-up clothes, big plastic cars, dress-up Elmo, dress-up Larry (veggie tale), train sets, big leggos, bouncy balls, hula-hoops, store sets, stuffed animals, and drawers full of all the assessories that go along with all this stuff.
Initially it wasn't too hard to either give toys away, or put them away until our younger daughter was old enough to want to play with them. But now our girls have similar interests and love to play with the same toys.
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