Do You Pray First?

By Heather (Balance with Purpose)
I’ve been thinking about greed lately and how many decisions we base on our desire for money or our fear of letting it go. Being raised in a country where materialism is engrained in us from birth, I struggle with keeping faith at the forefront of my financial decision making.
In this age of high unemployment and rising costs of living, we are faced with financial decisions every single day. How many of those decisions do you take to prayer? Do you pray about the groceries you need to purchase? Do you pray about a large home repair like a leaky roof? What about the Christmas presents you hope to buy this month?
Do you pray about the tiny purchases and expenses, or do you save praying to God for the really big ones.
What about job changes? Do you let faith and prayer lead you to the right decision, or do you base that decision solely on income you think you need?