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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Growing Up (4)


Summer Changes

By Ginny (MAD21)

I just can't believe how fast this past school year has come and gone. Over the years I've heard that once your kids are in school that time flies even faster than it did when they were babies and toddling around, but I had no idea how very fast it truly does go by. My heart is aching (big time) as our family slowly leaves this phase of life. But we are all growing and learning as we search to expand our boundaries while still protecting our time together.

My friend Billy wrote last week about similar sentiments as he is also getting older and watching his young kids grow up way too fast. He says, "In the end, that was what made me weary—knowing I was fighting time. And that’s a war I cannot win." Like him, it doesn't matter how much I don't want things to change. They will whether I want them to or not. So, I have to do what I tell my girls on almost a daily basis and that is to enjoy the journey. We need to do the best we can not to squander the time we have, and don't wish our lives away by looking only at the destination.

Therefore, in light of wanting to spend more time with my family over the summer months, and wanting the same for the others who contribute here, we are going to a three-day posting schedule. All of our usual topics and authors will still be here, just on a lighter schedule.

During the month of June, we are challenging everyone we know to make a difference in the lives of many by donating to charity: water and have already begun a series of posts from people regarding this ministry. We will also continue with our One Word carnival, devotionals, Tasty Bites, Fingerprint Fridays, and in July we will begin a new series on Mondays that will continue throughout the summer.

We pray you all have a fabulous summer. Work hard, play hard, read a lot, and remember, no one at their end of days is ever going to say, "I wish I had spent more time at the office and less time with my family." Be sure to take every opportunity to enjoy your family. That investment will last an eternity.


This Time Is Short, Love Each Moment

By MAD21

My oldest graduated from kindergarten last night. It was an amazing program. The kids and their teachers had obviously worked very hard to put it together. This was the first time that I saw my daughter perform in front of people while looking like she actually enjoyed what she was doing, instead of being so nervous that she just kind of mouthed the words and barely went through the motions.

During the Headmaster's presentation, he spoke about the fact that turning six and graduating kindergarten is an important milestone. I, myself, have been pondering for the last few months on the importance of this time in my daughter's life. At first, I was struggling to figure out why some people make such a big deal out of this stage. Don't get me wrong, every minute I have with my kids is important to me. But I wondered why this specific time is celebrated.

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Book Review: Scenarios For Girls

By Peter (Rediscovering the Church)

As our children get older, the decisions they need to make become harder and harder - and the consequences more lasting.

The most turbulent times of change seem to happen as kids enter Junior High and then again as they become High Schoolers.

Helping our teens navigate their way through the hormonal changes they're experiencing as well as increasing societal pressures from their peers can be difficult at best and, often, seems downright impossible.

Finding resources that can help us teach and mold our children is essential and today I'd like to tell you about a great resource that I have found for teen girls:

The Scenario's book series, written by Nicole O'Dell is a wonderful series for junior-high and high school girls which are great to read and yet will help the readers learn to make wise choices.

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Advice To New Parents (And Old)

By Peter (Rediscovering the Church)

My one piece of advice to new parents is always this:

"They learn what you teach them!"

Sounds obvious, right?

Of course it is, except we very often forget how we are teaching our children.

Have you ever noticed that your children seem to have all your worst traits? As I watch my kids, I see the very worst aspects of my behavior and personality mirrored in their little lives. I see them shouting at each other and remember all the times I've raised my voice to them. I see them saying that they'll come right now and then continuing to do what they're doing for a couple of minutes and I remember all the times I say "I'll be right there" and then fail to drag myself away from my computer. I see so many things in them that I know they learned from me... yet I know that verbally I tried to teach them something different.

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