Housing Agreements

By MAD21
Everyone deserves a second chance. An opportunity to get back on their feet again after making some poor choices in their life, or after just plain bad luck. It's our responsibility as followers of Christ to help take care of each other, but how do we help others without being taken advantage of (i.e., doormat). We need to be available and willing to help those who need it, but we also need to be responsible with the resources that God has given to us.
I had the opportunity to help a friend out a number of years ago who had dealt with long-term addiction and all the problems that went along with it. She desperately wanted to get her life together, which included having a safe place to live.
I had a good job, and was renting a great little house from a friend of mine at the time I began considering helping her out. I told her that before I would even entertain the idea of her living with me, that she had to do certain things before I'd even talk to her about moving in. For example, she had to be sober and hold a job for a year.