The Beauty of a Woman

By MH, Age 17
I have always agreed with the Gaelic Proverb that says, “Modesty is the beauty of a woman.” The problem today is that everyday people and many celebrities show their beauty in a way that contradicts the Proverb. The world today views true beauty as outward appearance. By outward appearance, I don’t mean a girl’s face, but I mean the way she dresses and the cleavage she shows. In a random 20 person survey, guys were asked what they would rather see a girl dressed in. Five guys voted that they would rather see a girl wearing tight-fitting, revealing clothing. Eight guys voted that it depends on the situation. Seven guys voted on sweat pants and a comfortable look. A lot of girls use their clothes to show exhibitionism. Their clothes act as the extravagant behavior to attract attention to themselves.
Many girls believe that in order for them to be beautiful they have to show off their body. Many girls believe that showing skin is sexy. Christina Mead once said, “Don’t let the crowd tell you that skin equals sexy, and that’s the only way to be beautiful.” She shares a great point. If you walk around a school you see many girls, more than you can count on your hands and toes, who reveal themselves. Girls get it in their heads that if they have their boobs out then they will be sexy and beautiful. What they don’t know is that scandalous is not a true beautiful way to look. When they show off their bodies they also lose the sense of wonder. Emma Watson said in an interview, “What’s sexy about saying ‘I’m here with my boobs out and a short skirt, have a look at everything I’ve got?’ My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder.” Her statement about less is more, meaning the less you reveal is more, is a statement of respect. When you show yourself off it is a statement of disrespect towards yourself. An anonymous man said, "The girl who chooses to be modest chooses to be respected.