The Perfect Loom?

By MH, Age 17
The perfect loom would weave the perfect blanket.
But that is quite impossible.
When looking at a blanket that has been weaved you can see faults.
The tassels are never equal to the ones beside them.
The pattern is disturbing.
Many colors clash instead of flowing together as in a rainbow.
But most importantly, the blanket lacks the purpose of warmth that it should have.
The world we live in is unequal.
Unfortunately the world is filled with war and discord to a point where unity is almost unrecognizable.
There is a constant pattern of hate in a school or on a city street which is very recognizable.
The environment we live in is filled with selfishness and hate towards one another.
When looking at a rainbow you can see how the colors blend nicely together.
We look at the people around us and we want to be able to say the same.
How come we can’t associate our skin colors to be the same as a rainbow of colors?
We find that we want to live in a world of warmth.
We want to feel the love all around us.
To see people lending a hand to one another out of love, but that is not the world we live in.
Unfortunately, no matter what is done we can never change every fault in the world.
The tassels, the pattern, the color, and the warmth will never reach the outcome of perfect.