Jumping In, Taking Risks, Trusting God

By MAD21
When you have an idea to do something new, it can be very scary to take that leap. Especially when it's something that the world can see. If you do well, that's great! If you fail, well, everyone will see that, too.
This entire blogging experience has been a total walk of faith for me. I had no idea where God was going to take it [or will continue to take it!]. After only five months, it has already grown into something so much bigger and better than I had ever anticipated. It has been such a blessing to me. To say I have enjoyed working with the friends who help to contribute to it would be an understatement. I honestly pray that this experience has blessed them as much as it has me.
One of the greatest things that has happened since beginning this blog, is meeting new friends and building a community. I love reading all the comments and blogs of our new friends. It seems we all share in the desire to show the world that one at a time, we all can Make A Difference.