God Is... Spirit

By Nick (My Experience As...)
Worshiping that which we cannot know
Back in the day I was very much into arguing. I know, people are shocked and surprised at this admission but it is true. Ok maybe I would be better off saying I was even more into debate than I currently am. Over the course of a year or so I got into several online debates with a Mormon who was both rude and insulting. This is not to say all members of LDS (I did learn that many of them don’t like the term Mormon but the abbreviation LDS, for Later Day Saint, is less offensive) are rude or insulting, but this guy was. It started on an old blog of mine, and moved to other blogs I participated in.
A key LDS belief is that God is a corporeal being so this guy often mocked the Christian belief that God is Spirit. At one point he took a picture of his “Bubba Keg” and said he trapped our God in it since clearly God’s spirit has no mass or volume.
This argument doesn’t follow for many reasons, but at the very heart is a complete misunderstanding of what “spirit” really is. Most people seem to assume it is some kind of ethereal energy, something like sentient electricity. This is an error in classification based on the assumption that “spirit” is something related to this natural order.