
By MAD21
Funny thing about credit. In the 'old days' companies looked at your credit ratings to see if you could afford a loan. Now they look at it to see how much money they can make off of you.
I'm not exactly sure when this happened, but I have to wonder what would happen if the general population really understood the true reasons for credit scores. Banks don't care if you can afford to pay your debt back. They want to make money, and lots of it.
That's the bottom line. People need to start taking responsibility for their own decisions.
It doesn’t make sense to me that people get themselves into so much trouble because they are spending more than they make, and then expect the government to bail them out. Why are we all ok with our legislators and government leaders spending so much time and money having to come up with laws to protect us-FROM OURSELVES.
It's called common sense. DON'T SPEND WHAT YOU DON'T HAVE. It's not the bank's fault, it's ours. They are a business looking to make money. They are not our friends. How can we stop the banks/credit companies from taking advantage of us?? It's quite simple really. It takes no laws and it's FREE... stop using the cards.
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