God Is At Work!

By Pat
I am one of the many people in the world who has to watch their weight. Ever since I was young, I have seen my weight creep up, knowing all too well that it will soon be diet time, which I dread! Eventually, I get myself on a diet, hoping that after two hours or so, the extra pounds will have magically dropped off like a snake shedding it's skin. I want it to happen overnight!
But of course, that's not the case, so I steadfastly diet. It seems like it takes forever...weeks go by sometimes with very little change, until suddenly I can see and feel the difference. It was happening all the time, but the progress was slow. Sometimes I want to give up, thinking it's just not working. It's taking too long. But of course, only fortitude, determination and patience will get the desired results.
I have come to realize that my faith walk is very like my dieting. I do my devotions, pray, go to church, plant seeds, and serve as best I can. I try to live for the Lord. But it's not until I am in a situation requiring God's mighty power that I am able to see the results of my efforts to be more Godly.
Recently I was faced with having to exhibit extreme forgiveness, and I thought I would be unable to have the ability to offer it, but I WAS able, much more easily than I thought I ever could. This could only be God at work for sure! There are times when I am dealing with my five year old granddaughter, who lives with us, that require more patience than I ever thought I could possess, and yet the patience is there. Again, I know this could only be God. Many times in more recent years I have found it easier to have the strength to walk away from a situation before it escalates into something ugly. I could not do that without having God beside me, and from years of seeking His strength and wisdom for whatever situation I am facing.
It did NOT happen overnight. My faith, obedience, and ability to be more like Jesus have changed, improved, without my even realizing it, just as when I am dieting, although the process is slow, it's being made. I have a long, long way to go. I have much improving to do. I am not always patient, nor do I always walk away instead of running my mouth! But I will continue being steadfast, trusting God to make the necessary changes that only He can make, and allowing Him to mold me into what He wants me to be in order to show others what His love looks like. I try not to allow myself to become discouraged and to trust in God's timing and continual touch, knowing that He will provide the tools I need to be a better servant.
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (Romans 12:12)
Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.

Reader Comments (3)
Great post, Pat. There is access to these things in God when we rely on Him! Thank you.
I LOVE THIS PAT -Very very beautiful ! Value lessons that many share but do not say -
Thank you, Jason and Diana!