God Is... Wisdom

By Jason S (Connecting to Impact)
People throughout history have attained a certain measure of wisdom. From the practical to emotional to the spiritual, I would say it's fair that the vast majority of us have no desire to be or appear stupid.
We chase after wisdom through education and experience. We gather as much as we can like trophies on a shelf. Wisdom is not a bad pursuit at all, but without the Author of wisdom, it is unfulfilling at best.
Solomon, arguably one of the wisest people and leaders who ever lived, devotes a whole book called Ecclesiastes to the idea that wisdom is not enough. In fact, it's oppressive apart from truly knowing the Creator who would give wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please Him anyway (Ecclesiastes 2:26).
All the wisdom we hold dear in the world is foolishness to God. He dismantles and destroys the wisdom of the wise so all the hoarding we try to do ends up in vain (1 Corinthians 1:19-21).
In fact, God made Jesus to be wisdom for our benefit (1 Corinthians 1:30). We choose Him and He unites us with our Savior. Embracing Christ is embracing wisdom.
If we need wisdom, we can ask God for it. There is much to be gained in our humility and pursuit, but it has to begin and end with a thirst and hunger for Him.
We tend to complicate things. We put conditions on things that God never intended. We create barriers in our hearts and minds, but they don't need to be there.
It begins with reverence and a fear of the Lord. It's an attitude of worship that we cannot lose. From that starting point, we can launch into the depths of His wisdom, not the earthly or carnal wisdom handed down to us from the systems of this world. Instead, we receive the pure and divine wisdom that leads to life and obedience in Him.
Have you seen this in your life? Has the wisdom of God ever clashed with your own wisdom?
Jason is a guy who loves Jesus, his wife, and his kids. He's also the pastor of Breakthrough Church in Juneau, AK. You can check out his blog at EndlessImpact.com where the goal is to connect with others in a conversation about life, service, and faith while connecting to God who is true Impact.

Reader Comments (6)
"It begins with reverence and a fear of the Lord. It's an attitude of worship that we cannot lose." So true Jason, wisdom begins and ends with worship of Father God. My own wisdom has clashed with God many times, but His wisdom corrects mine as I press into Him.
Thanks Bro'
Gotta love that corrective wisdom! I've experienced it many, many times. Thank you, Jay.
His wisdom and my thoughts clash all the time...I'm stubborn that way. One of these days I will learn that He is always right.
You're stubborn too? We have something else in common then! :) Thanks Dusty.
Love the post, Jason. Just when I begin to think I'm wise about something, I am reminded just how unwise I really am. Humility is an interesting thing, isn't it?
"Embracing Christ is embracing wisdom." Love it.
Thanks, Jason.
Thank you so much, Ginny! I love being able to write and put these things into order in my head and heart. It's a much needed exercise so thank you for the opportunity.