
Something to Think About
Go... Make a Difference

Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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We Have Arrived!

I have always wished there was one place a person could go to for information concerning everything related to life as a family. We have yet to include "everything," but it's at least a start.

Our hope for the future is to include articles and links to information that can help all of us get better at running our households, and strengthen our families.


The Value of Family

By MAD21

We believe that family is the foundation of everything. Certainly throughout history family has been the center of people's lives. Many would say that it's under attack from all sides today. From distractions, to redefinition, to being pushed aside or attempted to be made irrelevant.

All the more reason to find ways to protect and value the relationships we have, and acknowledge how our perception of "family" influences our decisions and choices concerning our jobs, hobbies, finances, children, our time and attention.


Site Creation

By Alan

Starting a blog is not just a matter of typing in some interesting articles.

There is a lot of technology behind it requiring some basic knowledge of the internet. But, the game has completely changed just in the last few months because of so many nifty blogging sites like, WordPress, Typepad, and Squarespace. Now you don't have to know html or content management systems, you just have to know a little bit about arranging and organizing parts on the page.  Sometimes it's just a matter of cut and paste.

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Funny thing about credit. In the 'old days' companies looked at your credit ratings to see if you could afford a loan. Now they look at it to see how much money they can make off of you.

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In Jesus' Name

"Through Jesus we are able to seek God's grace. However, it's important to understand that asking for help in Jesus' name means that the request agrees with God's character and will. We're not granted endless wishes to fulfill selfish desires. In fact, if we truly follow God and seek to do His will, then our requests for help will be in line with what He wants for us."

- Focus on the Family article, Troubling God With the Small Stuff, Dan Bradley