
By Pat
One of the most well-known and oft-quoted passages of scripture in the entire Bible, in my opinion, is probably 1 Corinthians 13, in which the apostle Paul gives us a very concise and direct description of the word "love." As I recently read and re-read this beautiful chapter, which I have always been very fond of, I was happy to learn that I have done a lot of growing through the years of walking with the Lord, but appalled to discover what a long way I have to go to achieve true, Godly love. This is very disheartening to me. I had always thought of myself as a loving person, and I am; but unfortunately more on my own terms and conditions than God's.
First, are my motives always driven by love alone? When I do something kind for someone, do I want anything in return, or maybe seek a little pat on the back, or a little applause or glory? I have to admit, reluctantly, that I do like a little praise sometimes. Although I have grown and matured in my walk, I still have a long way to go. Paul clearly states in verses 1-3 that unless the things I say and do are said and done solely with love, I gain nothing. It's a disappointment in the only eyes that matter: God's. I must give and love expecting nothing in return. Otherwise, I am not exhibiting Godly love.