
Something to Think About
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Devotions (137)


A Gift of Time Well Spent

By Pat

Well, another Christmas season has arrived. It seems like each one comes faster than the one before, and I find myself, as usual, worrying about what to buy, when to decorate, and how much to bake. I will fret over what to get grandchildren who need nothing. I will make myself crazy.

Somehow, I don't think this is what Jesus wants as we prepare to celebrate his birth. I remember the little drummer boy, and how the gift of music he gave to baby Jesus made Him smile. I remember that, in Matthew 19: 16-23, Jesus tells the story of the rich young man, and how distressed he was when Jesus told him to give all his riches to the poor. I remember that Jesus defines riches and gifts much differently than the world does...and I like it.

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Motives Count

By Pat

As I was doing a recent time of devotion, the scripture to which I was directed was Romans 12:1-8. I am very familiar with these passages, which encourage us to use the gifts God has given us, and remind is that each gift has a special value all its own. These verses have brought me comfort many times when I have felt that my talents and gifts do not compare well with the gifts others have, but what struck me this time was the heart with which we use our talents. "If it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give GENEROUSLY. If it is leadership, let him govern DILIGENTLY. If it is showing mercy, let him do it CHEERFULLY." (Romans 12:8)

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Listening For God

By Pat

Have you ever set out to perform a task, whether great or small, only to have it result in failure? I have, more times than I care to remember, and usually it was because I didn't seek God's guidance, or if I did, I didn't wait long enough to hear God's instructions. Sometimes I plowed ahead, knowing that even if I was not successful, God could fix what I had messed up or left incomplete.

Sometimes in setting about the task of serving God, I leave Him out of the equation too much. This is also true of important decisions that I have had to make. So many times I have trusted in my own limited knowledge, or acted on emotion too quickly, and have made decisions I have regretted. I lack the patience and discipline that I need, and I miss out on the blessing of knowing I have done exactly what God would have me do. I know that He knows best, and yet I plow ahead...and sometimes regret it.

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Understanding Death

By Pat

One thing in each of our lives we can never be sure of is when we will die. It's a question that haunts all of us at one time or another, I think, and some of us more than others. As Christians, we have the assurance that when we die, we really begin life anew with the Lord, in a place of joy and beauty and the eternal presence of God. We become less and less afraid as we grow older and weaker in our bodies and stronger in our faith. We become more accepting as we gain more of an understanding that death for us is not the end. It's a natural progression.

But what about when tragedy strikes? What about the horrible accidents that occur, taking lives way before their time? What about when children die? It throws us. It shakes us. Our faith wavers, and we cry out, "Why, Lord?" We are left with more questions than answers. Sometimes we become angry at God, and wonder why God allows these things to happen. That's NOT the way it's supposed to be! We simply don't understand. We strive to understand... but do we really have to understand?

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By Pat

I wonder where Christians would be in their walk if there were never any roads to travel that didn't have hills? What if each path we walked was lined with flowers, filled with beautiful sunshine to warm us and light the way, birds singing, and level ground the entire way?

Well, I have never found that road. Believe me, I've looked! It's nowhere to be found. (I really don't think it even exists!) But oddly, it's okay. The roads I have walked have been laden with hills-some steep, some small. There have been many dark clouds, and sometimes rain. At times I have encountered thunder and lightning. But just as my physical body does not become stronger without regular exercise, neither does my spiritual body.

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