
Something to Think About
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Devotions (137)


God Is At Work!

By Pat

I am one of the many people in the world who has to watch their weight. Ever since I was young, I have seen my weight creep up, knowing all too well that it will soon be diet time, which I dread! Eventually, I get myself on a diet, hoping that after two hours or so, the extra pounds will have magically dropped off like a snake shedding it's skin. I want it to happen overnight!

But of course, that's not the case, so I steadfastly diet. It seems like it takes forever...weeks go by sometimes with very little change, until suddenly I can see and feel the difference. It was happening all the time, but the progress was slow. Sometimes I want to give up, thinking it's just not working. It's taking too long. But of course, only fortitude, determination and patience will get the desired results.

I have come to realize that my faith walk is very like my dieting. I do my devotions, pray, go to church, plant seeds, and serve as best I can. I try to live for the Lord. But it's not until I am in a situation requiring God's mighty power that I am able to see the results of my efforts to be more Godly.

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Keep The Faith!

By Pat

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Hebrews 11:6)

Faith. We all know the importance of faith. We've all said to someone "keep the faith!" and we've all had it said to us in our times of struggle. But it's also something that most of us (if not all of us) wrestle with. It seems like one day we're on top of the world; things are going well for us, life is peachy. God seems close, and we can see Him at work in our lives. That's easy!

But what about when things are not going so smoothly? How about those times when finances are stretched, health is poor, or relationships are feeling a bit strained? That's when it gets tough to maintain an unwavering, unshakable faith. I know how that feels for sure, and it used to really disturb me to realize that perhaps my level of faith is contingent upon the size of my struggles.

But as time has passed, I have come to realize how very human I am, and that if I struggle with my faith, I am certainly in good company. The book of Psalms is full of David and his struggles with faith, and ultimately God allowing him to triumph over his doubts and weaknesses. Even Jesus' disciples, who were with Jesus every day, had their faith issues. We all know the story of Peter walking on the water...

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Even The Small Things Are Important

By Pat

I often struggle with feeling inadequate in God's kingdom, and wish that I was in a position to do bigger, better things. I call it the "Mother Theresa" syndrome. It seemed as though the little things I do are very insignificant, and that I am hiding my light under a bushel basket.

But very recently, as I shared those feelings with a friend, I was reminded that sometimes it's the little things that can make the largest impact; in this case, kind words. Just by caring about him, praying for him, and sending words of faith and encouragement, I reminded him that God is at work in his life, and that He loves him. My heartfelt words, although they seemed small to me, impacted him deeply, and I had no idea. When my friend shared with me what a difference my words had made, I was truly surprised. But why? God tells us through scripture of the importance of our words and of the impact they can make, both positive and negative.

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Rejoice In the Boredom

By Pat

Have you ever wished your life was more exciting? I admit that I have, and I am pretty sure that at some point we all have. I have often felt bored and restless, like one day is the same as the next with the only variation being the dinner menu and clothing selection. You know..."same stuff, different day"...But I have been learning that, instead of grumbling, it's actually a reason to rejoice.

No funeral to attend? Praise God! Car didn't break down? No accident today? Praise God! No trip to the doctor, or hospital visit to a sick friend or loved one? Praise God! No crisis? No family emergency? House didn't catch fire or become flooded? Praise God!

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Holy Spirit, Hear My Voice

By Pat

Holy Spirit, fill my soul.
Place me under your control.
Let me feel amazing grace,
Always seeking Jesus' face.
Holy Spirit, let me speak
Words of courage to the weak,
Showing love in all I say,
Blessing others every day.

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