God Is At Work!

By Pat
I am one of the many people in the world who has to watch their weight. Ever since I was young, I have seen my weight creep up, knowing all too well that it will soon be diet time, which I dread! Eventually, I get myself on a diet, hoping that after two hours or so, the extra pounds will have magically dropped off like a snake shedding it's skin. I want it to happen overnight!
But of course, that's not the case, so I steadfastly diet. It seems like it takes forever...weeks go by sometimes with very little change, until suddenly I can see and feel the difference. It was happening all the time, but the progress was slow. Sometimes I want to give up, thinking it's just not working. It's taking too long. But of course, only fortitude, determination and patience will get the desired results.
I have come to realize that my faith walk is very like my dieting. I do my devotions, pray, go to church, plant seeds, and serve as best I can. I try to live for the Lord. But it's not until I am in a situation requiring God's mighty power that I am able to see the results of my efforts to be more Godly.