
Something to Think About
about 12 years ago
"Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and/or misses you... because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while ...
Go... Make a Difference

Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Devotions (137)


The Enemy

By Pat

I have been an avid bird watcher for many years, and love watching them at my various feeders. I always marvel at their beauty and resilience and the loveliness of their songs. It gives me great joy. Today I learned a lesson from one.

A small Carolina wren was on my deck railing, but instead of going after the food, he sat still, hunkered down and not moving a muscle. He remained that way for quite some time, and I knew without a doubt there had to be a hawk in the area. I looked around, and sure enough I saw a hawk right there in the woods by my yard. The wren knew he was there, and that if he moved he could possibly become lunch for the crafty hawk, so he did the smart thing. He stayed still and quiet and waited for the enemy to leave (which didn't take very long because I chased the hawk away!)

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Living For Today

By Pat

Last night we got some snow, a very heavy, wet snow. I went out in the morning armed with my shovel and began the daunting task of clearing the driveway and also the road we share with neighbors, but after a very short time, I knew this would be no easy chore. The snow was like concrete, and after a while it became clear to me that I would be shoveling for quite some time and I became discouraged. I looked at the area I had done, but it was so small compared to what was still ahead of me. And so, slowly and painstakingly I continued on, and I discovered that if I kept myself focused on what I was doing and what I had finished rather than on what was still to be done, I felt more able to continue on with confidence that I would be able to finish. But in looking at what was still before me, I wanted to simply give up, thinking I would never get it all done.

It's easy for me to allow the same mentality to overtake me in my daily life. I look too much at the future, worrying and wondering how I will pay certain bills...or will I someday find a new career? Will my husband finally find a new and better job? Will my business pick up? Will my learning-disabled granddaughter learn the things required of her, and will she have friends? What is God's plan for me"? The future is uncertain... tomorrow is not promised.

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Free Will

By Pat

One of the greatest gifts God has given us is that of free will, the ability to make our own choices and decisions. Of course, for those of us who desire to serve God fully, it would be easier if God told us every move to make, every word to speak and to whom, and every morsel to eat, but God is too smart for that. He knows we will never grow spiritually as effectively as possible if He directs every single detail of our lives, just as we who are parents realize we must let our children grow and learn from the decisions they make and the behavior they choose. Like God, we give the right example and make wise suggestions, but we cannot take away their ability to make their own choices. It's how they and all of us learn.

We often, when faced with problems and unexpected difficulties in our lives, claim that we are being punished by God for something, don't we? We find it easier to attribute our problems to "God's will," rather than to see that perhaps it's really a result of OUR free will and poor decisions we have made. I don't believe God punishes us for our wrong choices as a parent would a child who behaves poorly. God knows our hearts, and even though we may live a life of faith, God simply allows us to bear the consequences of our actions. His rules are set out in a very clear and straightforward manner in the Bible. He tells us very clearly how to live. But as humans, we often veer off on our own; sometimes intentionally, sometimes because we are too impatient to wait for God's still, small voice. Oftentimes we misunderstand and allow our own ideas to guide us, thinking it's what God wants us to do. I am often guilty of each of those, sadly. God's will for me at times seems a bit too slow in coming, and I take it upon myself...once again having to say, "Bless my mess, Lord!"

Regardless of the reason, it's usually our free will that gets us into trouble. But if we allow it, God in His great wisdom and mercy, will use these experiences to make better servants of us. If we simply recognize our mistakes and give them back to the Lord, we will be blessed in our faith walk with growth in the Lord. Remember Peter, who denied even knowing Jesus, became the rock upon which Jesus built the church. Peter made a bad choice using the free will God gave him, but God used him anyway in a mighty way, just as He can and will and DOES for us!

"If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand." (Psalm 37:23-24)

Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.


Wall of Shame

By Pat

I like to think of myself as a forgiving person. I don't harbor grudges, I don't refuse to give second chances. I accept apologies, and I truly attempt to move on, seeing people as they are and not as they were. I encourage others to accept themselves as the failed human being they (we all) are. I know that this is right. I know this is what Jesus commands us to do. Why, then, is it so hard for me to forgive myself?

For many years, I have carried a heavy burden of sin. I have been unable to move past something I deem so awful I find it hard to even think about. I have told only a handful of people for fear of judgment. Like David, I lament, "For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, only you, have I sinned and done what is wrong in your sight." (Psalm 51:3-4). Yes, David knew how hard it is to carry the weight of sin. I have confessed my sin before God, repented, and asked for His forgiveness. But yet, I have allowed the guilt that I feel to imprison me, and for some reason I just can't let it go. It's like trying to run with boulders strapped to my ankles. I just can't move forward as I should.

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Faithful Friends

By Pat

I talked to a good friend of mine this morning. It was really nice to laugh and chat, but especially to share our feelings, opinions and insights on the most important issue of our lives-our faith. He is struggling with many personal problems, carrying loads he never dreamed he would have to carry. I also struggle with issues and situations I didn't foresee, as most of us do.

My friend and I have very different feelings and theories about many aspects of God and faith; why we are allowed to struggle, God's sovereignty, just to name a couple. I don't always agree with him, as I am sure he does not always agree with me, and yet as I walked away from the phone this morning, I felt enlightened and uplifted. I will certainly think about some of the things we discussed as I always do when I have talked to a friend. I value his insights.

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