
Something to Think About
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Devotions (137)


I Hope To Be...

By Pat

I hope to be a blessing, Lord,
Today and every day
To family, friends and loved ones,
To strangers on the way.

I hope to be your vessel, Lord,
As empty as can be,
Awaiting you to fill me up
With guidance just for me.

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The God of All Comfort

Updated on Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 9:14AM by Registered CommenterMAD21

By MAD21

There are so many people I know that are in the midst of healing in one form or another. Whether it's from a death of a loved one, a life-threatening diagnosis, abuse, depression, neglect... it's all around us. Have you noticed?

Even if you are living the life of your dreams, you will still have days that come crashing down around you. You know the kind. When you heart just literally aches. Someone hurts your feelings, you have a bad day at work, something you were looking forward to gets cancelled. Couple all of this with the compassion you may feel for your friends or family going through some serious hardship. It makes for a very emotionally draining time.

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My Chains Are Gone

By MAD21

New years represent a lot of things to a lot of people. But mostly it represents new beginnings. A fresh start. Or like the quote I posted in today's "Something to Think About," a blank page. As we face the challenges and tasks that await us in this coming year, let us remember the King of fresh starts, of grace and love, and of forgiveness. Let us go forth into this year with courage, perseverance and the knowledge that Christ is walking every step with us. I pray each of us has the courage to love others the way he loves us.

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What Do Your Children See?

By Bridget (One Word at a Time)

"Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children." (Proverbs 17:6)

I often think about what kind of example I’m setting for my children.  Do they see a follower of Jesus, a devoted wife, a loving mother?  Do they feel secure that they live in a home where their parents love and respect one another and will always be there for them? 

I take the role God gave me as a parent extremely seriously… but I’m human and I constantly fall short of the example He set for us to follow.  I’m far from perfect, but instead of spending a bunch of time kicking myself for the ‘I should have’s” and the “if only’s”… I need to focus on the things I can change.

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The Prayer

By MAD21

My all-time favorite prayer is the one our Father gave to us in Matthew 6:5-15. I prefer the King James version, but mostly because it's the version I memorized as a child. There is something about his kingdom and glory being Forever that gets me every time.

But one of the most beautiful prayers I have ever heard put to music is The Prayer sung by Josh Groban and Charlotte Church. The song was written by David Foster and Carol Bayer Sager for the movie Quest For Camelot. I leave the words here below for you as well as a video. I am so thankful for people who can write words and music, and sing so beautifully that you can almost feel God soaring through your soul. I pray it blesses you the same as it does me.

I pray you'll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
In times when we don't know

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