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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Family Life (66)


Blizzard 2010

By MAD21

Well, I am happy to report that we survived the storm. I can only give an estimate as to how much we actually got at our house, but it was well over two feet.

We spent the entire day yesterday trying to find our driveway, dig out hubby's car, and start on the sidewalks. We also went down and helped two other neighbors. Thankfully, one of them brought their snowblower down to our house and helped us find the end of our driveway, which of course, will go totally missing again once the snow plows begin work in our development--I'm wondering where all that snow from the road is going to go.... I'm guessing we will have huge mountains lining our roads...

The screens on the windows were covered when we woke up, and the snow was piled up against the sliding door on the deck. All of our bushes were just covered in heavy snow.

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The Olympic Torch Is Coming To My Town February 2nd!!

By Kevin (Shooting the Breeze)

This Tuesday, the Olympic torch will make an appearance in Port Hardy, BC as it makes its way to Vancouver for the 2010 Olympics on February 12th.  The torch began its 106 day journey on October 30th, 2009 from Victoria, BC.  I happened to be there that day!  Here is a short video of some of the pictures that I took:

Here are some fun facts about the torch relay:

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The Day After

By MAD21


There are few things more beautiful than a sunny, gorgeous day after 36 hours of snowfall/blizzard conditions. The snow is still too powdery to build our snowmen, but it's perfect for building our fort and trail for sledding (which we did after shoveling our driveway and sidewalks... again).

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Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

By MAD21

As most of you know, the east has been hit with several inches (feet) of snow in the last 24 hours. Our area is only about 13 hours into it with at least another 16-17 hours to go and we already have over a foot. It's so much fun!  It's all powder, so no snowmen or forts yet (that will be tomorrow!). But we've already done one round of shoveling and a few hours of sledding down our hill. I thought I would share some of what it looks like so far. The pictures look a little fuzzy, but that's because the snow is still coming down like crazy.

Blessings to all. Enjoy!

Before and After

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Things To Pray For Our Children

By Kevin (Shooting the Breeze)

I am blessed to be the dad of three beautiful and wonderful girls. It is a huge privilege and responsibility being a parent. I love my girls dearly and I want what is best for them but I know that I can not raise my girls on my own. On my own I will fall short. Yes, God has blessed me with a great wife but even the two of us can't do it fully together. We need God's help and the best way to seek God's help is through prayer.

Here is what I regularly pray for my girls:

  • They would know God's love for them and His desire to have a relationship with them.
  • They would grow and mature in their relationship with God.
  • They would be salt and light to those around them.
  • God would protect them physically and spiritually.
  • They would be leaders amongst their friends in doing what is right
  • They wouldn't be followers of the crowd.
  • They would be respectful and kind to all that they come in contact with.
  • They would always do their best in whatever they are doing.

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