YOB: #15. Go To A Cave

By Beth
The weekend of August 7-8, 2009 was a busy one for the Robto Posse. Tea with scones, massage, fancy fast food and now, for your reading pleasure, the final chapter of that weekend...cave.
Really, on our list at number 15, it just said "cave." No details, locations or instructions. Just "cave." One could take this to mean we give in on an important issue, say, Equal Opportunity Public Toplessness (seriously, there's a group of women in Maine fighting for just that). Or it could mean building pillow/blanket caves all over Lara's house, not seeing the sunlight for days. Since we wrote the list long before the Year of the Birthday officially started, it would be entirely possible that we had forgotten by August what we meant by "cave." Luckily, we were only turning 30 and, for the most part, we still have all our faculties. We could remember that "cave" meant going on a guided tour of a cave. When we turn 40, however, it may be another story.