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Let us not become weary in doing
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Entries in Year of the Birthday (68)


YOB: #13. Go Gambling in Atlantic City

By Beth

When I was 16 my Great Aunt Nancy got married in Las Vegas in one of those little wedding chapels that are so prominent out there. Before you ask, no, she was not married by Elvis, it was not a drive through chapel and the only theme was "wedding." It was a second marriage so they wanted to skip the fuss of a big church wedding and they actually lived in Vegas. My mother and I flew out for the wedding and stayed for a few days. I remember being very impressed, not only with the shortness of the ceremony (it was maybe 15 minutes, and the recessional was "Tea For Two;" there was another bride waiting outside when we came out, too) but with all the sights Vegas has to offer. It really is a beautiful city and it is still on my own personal list to go back and see again. Somewhere in a shoebox I have pictures of all the dazzling casinos, hotels, resorts and theaters out there. I also have a picture of my grandfather getting ready to pull the lever on the slot machines in the airport. It's one of my favorite poses of him.

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YOB: Adventure Alaska

By Lara

As I may have mentioned, Alaska wasn't on the Year of the Birthday list. However, it was my 30th birthday present to myself. I am rarely one to turn down an opportunity to travel. I have felt that Alaska was calling my name for a long time. I was finally able to cross it off the list in May. I was also able to be more specific about the things I want to see when I go back to Alaska.

This article would probably be about twenty pages long if I were to describe the entire trip in detail, but I still wanted to relive the highlights. Keep in mind that my goal on the trip, aside from wanting to see the breath-taking scenery, was to see both a moose and a sea otter up close and personal.

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YOB: #8. Go To Ireland (Abridged)

By Beth

How does one go about writing a short article about a trip like Ireland? Even as short a trip as we took? Well, all I can really do is give you the highlights and try to be entertaining while I do so.

We should start by saying that I was very nervous about this trip. While Lara is an experienced international traveler and has done so on her own, I have not been on an international trip where I was the one responsible for getting me to my plane, hotel, etc. I have been overseas several times, just with family, or a group though. As we were planning this trip, it felt like there were no grown-ups going with us. Obviously Lara and I are both adults; I have 2 children, we both have good jobs and responsibilities, but somehow, I still felt as if this trip would solidify my adulthood! Lara thought I was funny. Looks aren't everything though!

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My Birthday

By Lara

It seems strange to me to talk about the Year of the Birthday without actually addressing my birthday party. I didn't do anything on the list on my birthday, but I did turn 30. That is impressive in and of itself.

My birthday was May 10 of this year. Since my birthday fell on Mother's Day, I decided to have my party on the 9th and tell people that I was celebrating the last day of 29.

Beth had mono the week before my birthday party. I was afraid that she would be unable to join in the festivities. She did, however, get enough antibiotic in her system to be present. She even brought Nicole, another friend from middle school, with her for the weekend. They showed up while I was fighting a losing battle with the pink petals that fall off the tree outside my apartment and get tracked into my house...

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YOB: #17. Try To Get Something Published

By Lara

The Obvious Item

I am a writer. It's my job. I write technical manuals for the United States Army. However, I also like to write for fun. I would love to write books for children at some point (and get them published). I have a couple of drafts in the works. You know how it goes.

When I was in the eighth grade, I was co-editor of the Wissahickon Middle School 1992-93 yearbook. I wrote articles for my high school newspaper as well as the prestigious Harford Owl. I had a couple of poems published in the Harford County Community College Literary Magazine. I think it was called "The Feather and Talon." The magazine... not the poem. I have a blog. It's mostly friends-locked these days. You know. Things get complicated.

Other than that, I have never officially had one of my stories published. I think this was the root of "Try to Get Something Published" item on the Year of the Birthday list.

So... When my friend Ginny asked me to contribute to her website content, I thought it might be a good opportunity for Beth and I to work on a publication project together. BOOM. That's what you're reading right now. Thanks for being a part of this...

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