
Something to Think About
about 12 years ago
"Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and/or misses you... because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while ...
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in God (3)


Who Is Smart?

By Pat

"Do not be wise in your own eyes, but fear the Lord and shun evil." (Proverbs 3:7)

I am not a very educated person, I admit, and I have often wished I had gone farther with my schooling. I feel easily intimidated when I am talking with someone I feel is smarter than me, but oddly, the older I get, the more I realize what true wisdom really is.

I may not know all the world capitals and the directions on how to get there, but I do know the greatest capital of all is Heaven, and God made the instructions for safe arrival very clear for all of us in the great map called the Bible. I doubt I could name all of our presidents and other country leaders, past or present, but I can tell you without hesitation that the ultimate leader, the unmatchable ruler, the final judge, is God. I need not know more than that. It's very unlikely that I could recite the rules contained in the Constitution and the various amendments, but I have memorized the Ten Commandments, and I try very hard to follow them. I know that the rules Jesus taught us are much simpler, way fewer, definitely harder to follow, but much more worth learning; to love, forgive, and to serve God tirelessly.

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God Is... In His Being

By Jason V

Infinite, Eternal and Unchangeable in His Being

Thinking About the Unimaginable: God's Self-Existence

My kids have a hard time with the whole "Who made God?" question.  We've been over and over it, but my oldest son, Andrew (age seven) is still wrestling with how it can be possible that no one made God.  The Bible does not explain or defend the self-existence of God.  It simple begins, "In the beginning, God..."  So, at the very beginning, when creation first began, God already was.  Of course He was, because He made everything.  How else would He be able to make everything if He did not already exist before everything else?

God is- absolutely!  Properly speaking, we cannot say that God exists.  We have to say that He self-exists.  Why?  Well, to further blow our minds, to "exist" literally means to emerge, to come out of, to appear, to come into being.  I exist.  I have appeared and have come into being.  God, however, always was and always will be.  He did not appear or come out of anything, so He does not exist.  He ALONE is self-existing, needing no cause and no origin.  He IS.  Isn't that what He told Moses in Exodus 3- "I AM"?

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Who Is God?

By Ginny (MAD21)

I've shared with you all before that one of my favorite times of day is bedtime. Not because it's when the house finally goes quiet, but because it's one of the few times in the day when I have some good, quality time with my girls without distraction. This is when we talk about our day, good times and bad, tell silly stories or ask serious questions.

During one particular conversation about a month ago, my oldest was asking me some questions about God and what I thought about him. At one point she actually asked me, "Who is God?" Leave it to our kids to ask us questions that can take a lifetime to answer. Since she is only almost seven (I have to say that -so she says- because she'll be seven in a few weeks), I could keep the answer a little simpler than if an adult were asking me, but it really got me thinking. For one thing, she won't be seven forever and she has a little sister who is growing up right behind her who rarely accepts short answers even at almost four and a half (that half is important to her, too).

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