God Is... In His Being

By Jason V
Infinite, Eternal and Unchangeable in His Being
Thinking About the Unimaginable: God's Self-Existence
My kids have a hard time with the whole "Who made God?" question. We've been over and over it, but my oldest son, Andrew (age seven) is still wrestling with how it can be possible that no one made God. The Bible does not explain or defend the self-existence of God. It simple begins, "In the beginning, God..." So, at the very beginning, when creation first began, God already was. Of course He was, because He made everything. How else would He be able to make everything if He did not already exist before everything else?
God is- absolutely! Properly speaking, we cannot say that God exists. We have to say that He self-exists. Why? Well, to further blow our minds, to "exist" literally means to emerge, to come out of, to appear, to come into being. I exist. I have appeared and have come into being. God, however, always was and always will be. He did not appear or come out of anything, so He does not exist. He ALONE is self-existing, needing no cause and no origin. He IS. Isn't that what He told Moses in Exodus 3- "I AM"?