God Says... His Grace is Sufficient

By Dusty (Reflections on the Life of a Christian)
Have you ever been at the point of saying "I can’t go on?"
I have. What follows is my testimony…
I have been to that place where darkness surrounds and despair overwhelms. I have lived and breathed it.
I have tied the knot in a hangman’s noose and climbed on to a chair. I have secured the far end of the rope to the steel pipes lining the roof of a maintenance tunnel under my college dormitory. I have placed the noose around my neck. I have committed to kicking the chair out from under me… and so end my misery.
It was a place and time when I had lost all hope for a successful future. It was a time when I felt abandoned and abused by all I had held dear.
It was a time when there seemed to be no other way out…